
Palma protest

JOIN THE PROTEST ON FEBRUARY 27 "We close today to be able to open tomorrow, a commercial closure of the shops of Palma in protest against the mobility changes of the city." | @afedeco


Palma shops will shut down for an hour on Thursday, February 27, as part of a protest organised by Afedeco and Pimeco against the pedestrianisation of some areas of the city.

The motto for the protest, which will last from 1100 until 1200 on February 27 is ?Se traspasa? or ?Transfer of Ownership? and posters will be put up to let people know why they?re taking action.

The posters will say: ?If the streets are closed to traffic without an improvement plan, urban commerce is transferred. We want streets without cars but with life.?

Employers insist that they are not completely against the pedestrianisation of the city but point out that "a clear plan for the improvement and beautification of the areas affected and sufficient parking at the entrance of the city is desperately needed, as well as a fast, punctual and economic public transport service.

?Palma City Council is closing streets to traffic without adapting, beautifying or making them attractive, public transport has not been improved to facilitate access to the historic centre and several bus stops have been eliminated at strategic points of the city, such as La Rambla,? said a spokesperson.

Afedeco and Pimeco have warned that the pedestrianisation that?s already been put in place is just the beginning.

?Palma City Council has repeatedly stated its intention to close the entire historical centre to traffic from the Avenidas. It has started with Plaça des Mercat and Carrer de la Unió, and now these areas are dead," they said.