
"Zero tolerance" of tourism of excesses in Majorca

Balearics tourism minister Iago Negueruela speaking in London on Wednesday. | Govern Illes Balears


In London on Wednesday, tourism minister Iago Negueruela stated that there will be "zero tolerance" of "tourism of excesses".

Negueruela, accompanied by Rosana Morillo, the director general of tourism, gave a presentation in which he set out the contents of the Balearic government's decree. The objectives of this are "to protect the Balearics from certain excesses and to ensure that the islands offer an agreeable experience and that no one is confronted by situations that they would not tolerate in their own country".

At a roundtable discussion with representatives of the media and the tourism industry, the minister insisted that "we must work together" in achieving ever greater improvements in quality to those which have already been made. In order to do this, "there are activities that will not be permitted". Susan Deer, Abta's director of institutional relations, said that the association supported any measure that will improve tourist safety.

The main matters that needed clarification related to contractual agreements between tour operators and hoteliers and the zoning for the application of the decree (Arenal, Magalluf, Playa de Palma and Sant Antoni).

At a meeting at the Foreign Office, there was agreement on coordination of communications about the decree to be directed at UK tourists. Preventive campaigns will be undertaken in order to avoid "disagreeable situations" in the future both for residents and tourists. Negueruela described the meeting as very positive. It will serve to promote collaboration in order to prevent and combat tourism of excesses.