
ITV to open on Saturdays

President of the Consell de Mallorca, Minister Iván Sevillano and FBT representatives at a meeting on Friday. | Consell de Mallorca


ITV stations in Mallorca are to open on Saturdays to clear the backlog of carriers before the tourist season begins, according to the Minister of the Mobilitat i Infraestructures, Iván Sevillano.

President of the Consell de Mallorca, Catalina Cladera, Minister Iván Sevillano and representatives from the the Balearic Federation of Transports, or FBT, agreed the changes at a meeting on Friday.

The FBT expressed deep concern that public service vehicles, such as school transport or dangerous goods vehicles might start the season without passing the inspection.

The ITV in Son Castelló is the first one to open on Saturdays but others may follow at a later date and the FBT says it will be in constant contact with the Insular Directorate d’ITV.

Service station personnel have already been trained to carry out non-periodic inspections on taxis and agricultural vehicles and more workers Minister Sevillano says more will be taken on to help reduce the long waiting lists.

By the beginning of April customers will be able to make a telematic payment at the same time as their appointment and the cash payment system is also be updated, so that fees can be paid directly to the bank without having to collect the corresponding settlement document from a service station.

The FBT has welcomed these changes and has also hailed the 36% drop in rates for professional carriers as a breakthrough. The reduced rates, which will affect taxis, trucks and buses, are scheduled to be introduced at the end of March.