International Women's Day march in Palma.


While the police estimated 10,000 people, organisers reckoned that 15,000 took part in the march and rally for International Women's Day in Palma on Sunday.

The march left Plaça Espanya shortly after midday and ended in Parc de la Mar, where various manifestos were read out. A prominent banner read 'Destroy patriarchy, not the Earth'. The legend on t-shirts of some of those taking part stated: 'Absent but present'. This was a reference to women who have died as a result of male violence.

Sandra Serra, spokesperson for the Majorca Feminist Movement, said that the protest was against violence suffered by women and in favour of "'eco-feminism" as an alternative to 'the neoliberal and capitalist system". An aim of the protest was to put pressure on "political and social collectives" which advocate a "backward step" in the rights that women have secured with such great effort.

Among the politicians in attendance were President Armengol and various other members of her PSOE party as well as Antoni Noguera, the coordinator for Més, and Marga Durán of the Partido Popular. Associations which took part included Feminists in Action and the Union of Kellys (the chambermaids' association).