
Fighting racism and coronavirus

Masks designed by artists to fight racism and coronavirus. | IRONISM


It was only a matter of time before somebody launched an alternative to the horrible white or blue masks being sold in chemist shops.

A non-profit group called Racism Is The Real Virus has launched a website selling designer masks that could well become a global fashion statement and earn bucketloads of money to fight racism and coronavirus at the same time.

It’s the brainchild of Mallorcan Álex Delgado, Patricia Medeiro, Paula Cabanillas and Lorenza who say “another pandemic has been ravaging the world for years and it’s called ‘racism’.”

The masks cost 20 euros each and are available in lots of different colours with slogans like, ’Proudly Made in China’ or ‘Love Kills Racism’ and if you don’t see anything you like, you can even create your own design by logging on to

They came on the market just over two weeks ago and already, 18 artists from all over the globe have joined the project, to give the masks a bit of style, including Majorcan designer, Ela Fidalgo, who was a finalist in the Hyeres 2018 Fashion Festival.

Racism is the Real Virus is a non-profit group and the money made from the masks will be used to fight coronavirus which it says has generated psychosis, panic and racism worldwide.