
ICU under pressure because of Covid-19

Intensive Care Units under pressure in Majorca. | MIQUEL A CANELLAS


The 8 Intensive Care Units in the Balearic Islands are under extreme pressure because of the coronavirus crisis with 54% of beds already occupied and more cases being diagnosed every day.

93 of the 173 new places for critically ill patients that were arranged by the Ministry of Health last week are already taken.

21 at Son Espases, 19 at Son Llàtzer, 5 at Hospital Comarcal in Inca; 6 at Manacor Hospital, 7 at the Miramar Polyclinic; 9 at Palmaplanas and one at Muro Hospital. There are also around 25 patients in serious condition in Minorca and Ibiza.

The 93 patients in ICU represent 11% of active cases in the Balearic Islands, which amounted to 856 on Monday, discounting deaths and medical discharges.

ICU patients are usually admitted for an average of two to three weeks so even when the epidemic slows down the ICU continues to be affected. On Monday the Government announced that, if necessary, new beds could be supplied for critically ill patients.

The idea is to accommodate 8 units with 25 beds in each and 24 extra intensive care units at the Palacio de Congresos.

“061 Emergency Services will supervise the space which could be adapted within two days in the event of hospital saturation. But there are still 80 places available in ICU so we hope not to reach that stage," said the Health Minister, Patricia Gómez.

The Hotel Meliá Palma Bay has already been medically prepared and will receive its first patients on Tueday to alleviate the pressure on hospitals.