
Increase in coronavirus diagnosis

A heart of candles at the doors of Son Espases in tribute to those who died of the coronavirus in the Balearic Islands. | M. À. Cañellas


There are now 1,069 people infected with coronavirus in the Balearic Islands, 69 more than on Monday.

85 patients remain in the ICU, 42 have died and 111 have been discharged, according to the lates figures from the Ministry of Health.

Dr. Javier Arranz, spokesperson for the Autonomous Committee of Coronavirus warned on Monday that the numbers would jump up and down over the next few weeks but is still confident that overall the downward trend will continue and there will be fewer diagnosis in the Balearic Islands.

“We are probably already entering the maximum number of new cases, which will evolve with decreases and small increases. What we expect is that during this week the increases will be small and the trend is to go down and that would allow us to be optimistic that this famous curve could enter a decline this week,” said Arranz.