
Minorca restaurants looking at an August start

Minorca restaurants hopeful of activity by August. | Josep Bagur Gomila


On Friday, some one hundred people were involved in a "virtual roundtable" organised by the Minorca Hospitality and Restaurants Association.

Faced by the uncertainties created by the crisis, there was a view that a "war economy" will apply. One of the three speakers, Dani Mora, chef and owner of Sa Pedrera des Pujol, observed that the "picture is not encouraging". "We have analysed different scenarios, but it is clear that there is still a long way to go." He believed that apartment tourism and that provided by Spanish nationals with second residences in Minorca will reactivate first and that the image of Minorca as having been little affected by the virus will work in the island's favour.

The season, it was felt, could start in August and run until October. But once establishments can reopen, there will no doubt be practical issues to consider. Chema Holguín, a partner with consultants FyB, said that preliminary recommendations being given by the national health ministry point to there needing to be a distance of ten metres between tables. "Many will be unable to open, as it will be impossible for them to meet this demand."

More positively, there was opinion that family-run businesses which have high levels of client loyalty will be at an advantage. These businesses tend to concentrate on local products, and this will be a key element in getting clients to overcome anxieties about going to restaurants.