Prime Minister Sánchez started his Saturday evening address by saying the Spanish "are the western citizens who have complied with the restrictions with greatest rigour". "We have saved tens of thousands of lives."
"We have achieved what has been the most difficult, thanks to the responsibility and social discipline of the Spanish people. The most extreme moments have passed, but these achievements are still insufficient and fragile. We cannot put them at risk with hasty decisions.
"Despite the enormous progress, we are still on the path of compliance with the WHO guidelines. It is not possible to lift the containment measures, so I intend to inform the regional presidents tomorrow and Congress this coming week that the government is proposing to extend the state of alarm for another 15 days until 9 May inclusive."
The prime minister signalled the government's intention to relax the confinement of children. "Experts consider that it is possible to alleviate one of the aspects of the confinement, that which affects our children and grandchildren. So, the government's opinion is to alleviate this confinement as of 27 April."
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@Tony, the 10% mortality rate is a nonsense figure anyway, as the mortality rate is amount of deaths divided by amount of infected, times 100%. But since no one knows the actual amount of infected, as there is no testing going on, except on health workers, ofcourse the death rate is high. But in reality it is probably only less then 0,5%. As in countries where they do test, test, test, the death rates are much, much lower.
Spain has the most cases behind US and a published 10% mortality rate. The rate of increase in cases caught /overtook Italy very quickly. Whilst the world talks of the importance of extensive testing for reopening the Spanish government favors a trial and error approach to reopening. This idiot politician should be washing the sidewalks with a jet-washer not making serious decisions that impact our lives. He pedals fantasy and lies.
To alleviate confinement of children is a bad idea. Nobody knows who is spreading this virus and children are renown germ carriers. They sneeze and cough without regard for those around them. They touch everything, as is normal curiosity. Therefore, on the rare occasion I have to venture out for supplies, I am at more risk than before. Children had to comply with the rules of the land during wartime. This is a war, a virus war, so lets stop pandering to the demands of children and respect that we all have to make sacrifices if we are to combat this. That includes children!