State of alarm

Council of Minorca wanting a relaxation of confinement

There is hope of some relaxation of lockdown in Minorca. | Gemma Andreu


The president of the Council of Minorca, Susana Mora, views as positive the apparent shift in the Spanish government's stance on lifting confinement measures, Pedro Sánchez having suggested that it may not be standard and Dr. Fernando Simón having acknowledged that there are parts of Spain - such as the islands - where there are low levels of contagion.

Mora says that there isn't just the factor of Balearics insularity. There are differences between the islands. "We do not have the same situation as Majorca, in the same way as the situation in Palma differs to that of the 'part forana'." The president believes that the government's blanket approach to confinement was a mistake. "We should consider the specific health situation as well as demographics and urbanisation. We do not have large cities." There should be greater flexibility, she believes, while still being clear that "we have to be rigorous with the guidelines that are set".

Minorcan epidemiologist Ildefonso Hernández was director-general of public health at the national ministry of health between 2008 and 2011. He is knowledgeable about how coronavirus has developed in Minorca and is of the view that it is "essential" there is an asymmetric approach to lifting confinement, concluding that Minorca is an ideal place to have a more advanced approach than other parts of Spain.

The social, economic and epidemiological situation is different. "The capacity for control is much greater in a closed territory such as an island. For example, use of public transport is much lower compared to other places." He doesn't suggest that Minorca should be a pilot test for lifting confinement, as "all territories will be", but a lifting would nevertheless "allow us to see if going out onto the streets works".

While there have been rumours that there may be a different approach for Minorca after 26 April, Mora says it is too early to know if there will be. She insists, though, that Minorca can confront a lifting of confinement in a good condition. "The sooner there is a lifting, the better." Hernández believes that "Minorca is ready to do it soon".