
Three more coronavirus fatalities confirmed

Three more coronavirus fatalies in the Balearic Islands. | M. À. Cañellas


The Ministry of Health has confirmed 3 more coronavirus deaths in the Balearic Islands in the last 24 hours, taking the total to 164 since the pandemic began.

There were also 28 new infections making 1,836 Covid-19 cases altogether in the islands.

166 patients have been admitted to the Intensive Care Units, five of them in the last 24 hours and since the pandemic began 1,005 people have been hospitalised.

1,017 patients who contracted coronavirus have completely recovered and no longer have any symptoms of the disease, 12 were discharged in the last 24 hours.

In the last two weeks the rate of infection has decreased again in the Balearic Islands and now stands at 36.89 positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

On Tuesday there were four coronavirus deaths, 20 new infections and no patients were discharged from hospital.

Dr Javier Arranz, the Spokesperson for the Regional Committee on Infectious Diseases insists that the situation in Nursing Homes in the Balearic Islands is now under control.