
Balearics the first Spanish destination for Tui when it resumes operations

Rosana Morillo and Iago Negueruela during the videoconference. | Govern Illes Balears


Tourism minister Iago Negueruela and the director-general for tourism Rosana Morillo held a videoconference meeting with two senior Tui directors on Tuesday afternoon.

At this meeting with Sebastian Ebel, the CEO of Tui's hotel, cruise and destination division, and a member of Tui's executive committee, Thomas Ellerbeck, there was agreement that the Balearics will be the first tourist destination in Spain where Tui will resume its operations. These will be under strict health and safety standards and subject to decisions regarding de-escalation.

A schedule is to be drawn up between the government and Tui that will allow tourism from Germany to restart. The tour operator and the government have apparently been discussing the safety protocols that will be needed for some weeks. Negueruela stressed that the government is working to ensure that the Balearic Islands continue to be a reference for and example of a "safe destination" in Spain and Europe.