Streets of Palma - without tourists. | Europa Press


In March 2019, the Balearics attracted 365,813 foreign tourists. In March this year, the number was down to 116,018, a figure lower than was registered for both November and December 2019. This decrease of 68.3% was virtually matched by the decline in foreign tourist spending - this was down 69.8% to 107 million euros, compared with 355 million euros in March 2019.

Of the foreign tourists in March, 59% were from Germany and 11.5% from the UK. Average spending per tourist was 925 euros, a fall of 4.8%, with average daily spending having dropped 3.8% to 159 euros. Tourist spending in the Balearics equated to 4.8% of the national total.

Over the first quarter of this year, there was a 41% drop in foreign tourism to 405,470 visitors. This decrease in the Balearics was greater than the national average, which was 25.6%. Tourist spending fell by the same percentage to 389 million euros.

Nationally, there were some two million foreign tourists in March, a fall of 64% compared with March 2019. Spending was down 63% to 2,215 million euros.