
Drivers Beware!!

ORA parking attendants go back to work on Wednesday. | Ultima Hora


The ORA will be up and running again in Palma from this Wednesday, May 13.

Palma Mayor, José Hila, insists that with shops, bars and cafés reactivating parking restrictions is essential, saying, "we need to make sure everything runs smoothly.

The EMT bus service will increase by 80%, but occupancy will be restricted to 50% and all passengers must wear a mask and stay 2 metres away from each other.

“We have taken decisive steps to give passengers space, but we are nowhere near back to normal, there is still have a lot of work to do to stop the spread of coronavirus and as Mayor, I want to ask people to keep their distance,” said Mayor Hila.

He also pointed out that from Monday, two Citizen Service Offices will reopen in the Avenidas and Sant Ferran, with specific hours for those over 65.

At the Municipal Services an appointment will be required, access will be controlled and capacity will be restricted to 4 m2 per person, with 5 people being served at a time.

Care Services for Women Victims of Gender Violence have been active throughout the lockdown and a proposal is being drawn up for the reinstatement of face-to-face consultations with Flassaders Centre Workers at the Comprehensive Reception Service for Gender Violence.

The book loan system will be up and running at Libraries with Bellver and Can Balaguer open to the public in the mornings, but capacity will be limited to one third and Casal Solleric will not open until Phase 2.

At Funeral homes, a maximum of 10 people can attend wakes.

The outdoor facilities of Son Moix will be open for individual sports, with 4,500 square metres of space available for use by appointment at the IME.