State of alarm

Permission to go to second homes from Phase 1

Rubén Castro and Patricia Gómez at a press conference on Saturday. | Patricia Gómez Picard @Patgompic


When the state of alarm was declared in March, travelling to and staying in second homes was not permitted. The rules were clear on remaining at a place of habitual residence. The de-escalation plan had envisaged that going to second homes would be possible in Phase 2. There has been a rethink. As from Monday, there is permission to travel to and stay overnight in a second home so long as this second home is within one's province. For Majorca, this means Majorca and only Majorca.

On Saturday, the regional government's head of the Institute of Labour Health, Rubén Castro, clarified that staying overnight will be permitted. He and the minister of health, Patricia Gómez, gave a press conference at which they addressed some grey areas that surround the de-escalation. Another had to do with the time slots for going out for exercise. The regional government does now have the powers to adjust these, if it so wishes. For now, however, there will be no change where children under 14 are concerned. For children from the age of 14 and for adults, the government is considering requests from island councils regarding adjustments.

With bar terraces able to open from Monday, Castro stated that going to a terrace can be at any time and anywhere on the island. This is not subject to the time slots for adults going out to exercise.