
14 days quarantine for foreign travellers

Spain introduces quarantine for foreign travellers. | Cati Cladera


Any travellers who come to Spain from abroad will be quarantined for 14 days on arrival according the Ministry of Health.

The decree is effective from May 15 and will be in force at least until the State of Emergency finishes and perhaps longer.

Several other European countries have already introduced 14 day quarantine for foreigners, although there are some exceptions.

"The favourable evolution of the epidemiological situation in Spain and the beginning of the escalation make it necessary to strengthen control measures by applying quarantine measures to persons coming from abroad for 14 days,” according to the Government Order.

During the quarantine period, travellers who come to Spain will have to stay in their home or holiday accommodation, and can only go out to buy food, pharmaceuticals and basic necessities or get assistance from Health Centres or Hospitals and must wear a mask.

The Order states that all hygiene measures must be observed to prevent the transmission of coronavirus, especially with regard to contact with cohabitants.

The Health Authorities may contact quarantined persons for a follow-up and if people have symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath or other coronavirus symptoms, they “should contact the health services by telephone using the numbers provided and indicate that they are in quarantine because they come from overseas," states the Order.

Cross-Border Workers, Transporters and Crews are excluded from these measures, as are Healthcare Professionals who go to work, as long as they have not been in contact with someone who’s been diagnosed with Covid-19.

Travel Agencies, Tour Operators and Transport Companies must inform travellers of these measures before selling tickets to tourists bound for Spain.

Airlines must ask passengers to complete the public health form (Passenger Location Card), which the passenger must submit upon arrival in Spain