
French told they can holiday in Spain

French told they can holiday in Spain. | EFE


The French Government does not recommend travelling to other European countries at this stage of the de-escalation, but says that if the epidemiological situation continues to improve and border controls are lifted, "there is no reason for the French not to holiday in Spain," according to the French Foreign Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian.

On Sunday, Elisabeth Borne from the Department of Ecological Transition advised French people not to vacation to Spain because of the "contradictory" position of the Spanish authorities.

But Minister Le Drian says a lot depends on what other EU countries decide to do.

"In the phase of de-escalation we are in, overseas travel is not recommended, but if the coronavirus information continues to be positive and if other countries open their borders and lift controls, there is no reason not to go,” said Minister Le Drian.

He also said that he hopes that tourists from other countries will also return to France, and that the Government is doing all it can to make that possible.

He justified Elisabeth Borne's controversial statement saying “Spain confused the issue, by first announcing that its borders would be completely shut then said they would be open in July for the holidays.”

He also insisted that France wants European coordination within the borders of the Schengen area and is confident that by June 15 more information will be available so it should be possible decide if they can be opened.

France introduced mandatory quarantine for those arriving from Spain after the Spanish Government imposed 14-day self isolation on visitors arriving from abroad and the UK has also introduced a quarantine period for foreigners, although travellers from Ireland, lorry drivers and seasonal workers are exempt.

Minister Le Drian said the external borders of the Schengen area, will likely remain closed after June 15.