
Back to School plan ready by end of June

Martí March, Minister of Education, University & Research. | CAIB


A plan for the return to school in the Balearics in September is expected to be ready by the end of June and will include several scenarios, including face-to-face classes, blended classes and possible confinement classes.

Education, University & Research Minister, Martí March chaired a General Commission meeting with around 60 representatives from Educational Groups on Friday.

In his speech, Minister March appealed to everyone to "work together in a very effective way” and pointed out that the goal is to be able to have a definitive document available by the end of June with clear instructions for the next academic year, so that schools can develop a contingency plan.

"We are in an exceptional situation with a major social emergency, and everyone's participation is essential in order to guarantee that we can start the course under the best conditions for everyone," he said.

Minister March explained that "we have to work towards maximum face-to-face schooling for all students from September, but we also have to anticipate the possibility of semi-attendance and of confinement.”

The General Committee will have to prepare instructions for the start of the 2020/2021 academic year in accordance with the new normality arising from the Covid-19 crisis and define possible scenarios for the resumption of face-to-face classes, depending on the latest situation with the virus.

It must also anticipate how Educational Centres will change and establish clear guidelines for action in relation to four axes: the organisation and operation of Centres: schedules, working hours, coordination, resources, curricular aspects, academic organisation and methodologies.

14 specific Sub-Committees are to be created, they will be coordinated by an Inspector and made up of a representative from each group so that they can work more efficiently.

The aim is to have final draft instructions published by the end of June so that schools can prepare their own contingency plans and prepare for the 2020-2021 academic year in July.

“It is time to rise to the challenge and we must all contribute as much as we can and demonstrate the Educational Community’s capacity for dialogue and work.” said Minister March.