
New flight route proposals rejected

Enaire flight route proposals rejected. | Ultima Hora


Enaire’s proposals to change flight routes into and out of Palma have been rejected by the Central Government for environmental reasons, according to the Official State Gazette, or BOE.

”Significant adverse effects on the environment could occur that have not been sufficiently studied or evaluated," it states.

The document indicates that planes would fly over 17 Natura 2000 Network areas, 3 Protected Natural Areas, 22 Natural Areas of Special Interest, 8 Rural Areas of Landscape Interest and 3 Protected Wetlands, increasing airspace from 615 kilometres to 703 kilometres.

It also states that for the first time ever, there would be planes flying over the ZEC + ZEPA Es Trenc-Salobrar de Campos, the LIC Cales de Manacor and LIC Portocolom.

Flights would also take place over 3 natural spaces measuring 9.3. kilometres instead of 1 area measuring 1.5 kilometres in the Llevant Natural Park, Llevant Natural Reserve, Natural Park of Es Trenc-Salobrar and the National Marine-Terrestrial Park of Cabrebra.


Enaire claims that natural spaces will not be significantly affected because the planes will be flying at high altitudes and that flights are already in operation over most of the spaces contained in the proposals.

The Balearic Environment Commission and several other bodies who were consulted believe flights are already having an impact on the Natura 2000 Network and the Ministry has demanded new studies.