Child Welfare

Municipal nurseries will reopen on June 15

Municipal Nurseries reopen on June 15. | J. Bagur


The Education & Politics Councillor, Llorenç Carrió, has announced that Municipal Nurseries will reopen from June 15.

The return to nurseries will be done in stages and will continue until August 15.

Palma City Council has contacted 275 families to conduct a survey and the basic information gathered will be used to plan the children’s return to the Centres.

The two most important factors to be taken into account will be the health and dignified treatment of the children.

"There will be closed groups and the ratio of students will not be decided by what phase of the de-escalation program Majorca is in, but by the space available in the classrooms, because each child needs 4 square metres to ensure all health protocols are respected, said Minister Carrió.