
Coronavirus figures for June 5

Son Espases Hospital ICU, Palma. | Ultima Hora


The Ministry of Health has confirmed there are now 225 active coronavirus cases in the Balearic Islands, 4 less than on Thursday.

The death toll still stands at 226 and there were 10 more infections, making 2,215 since the pandemic began, 2,104 via PCR testing with 1,875 in Majorca, 92 in Minorca, 161 in Ibiza and 6 in Formentera. Another 111 with antibody tests, with 86 in Majorca, 1 in Minorca, 24 in Ibiza and zero in Formentera.

Another 14 patients have been discharged from hospital and altogether 1,764 people in the Balearic Islands have beaten the disease.

In Majorca, 70 are hospitalised, 13 are in the Intensive Care Units, 14 are being monitored by coronavirus units or UVAC and 129 are receiving Primary Care, although not all are active positive cases.

In Minorca, 1 person is in Mateu Orfila Hospital, there are no patients in the ICU and none are being monitored by UVAC or receiving Primary Care.

In Ibiza, 18 people are hospitalised, 3 are in the ICU, none are being monitored by UVAC and 4 are receiving home care from Health Centres.

160 Healthcare Professionals are under surveillance, 148 in Majorca, 1 in Minorca and 11 in Ibiza. 40 are still infected and they are all in Majorca.

A total of 360 cases have been reported amongst Community Health Personnel since the pandemic began.

114,408 tests have been carried out at laboratories in Community Public Hospitals, 87,604 via PCR tests, 10,473 rapid antibody tests and 16,331 serologies.

There are no new infections at Nursing Homes.

32 residents who are infected are in hospital, 89 have died and 227 have beaten the virus. 13 Healthcare Professionals who are infected are hospitalised and 150 have been discharged and no longer have any symptoms of coronavirus.