New normal

Government publishes decree for the new normal

Health minister Salvador Illa leaving a press conference on Tuesday. | J. J. Guillén


The Spanish government has published the decree that will govern the health situation after the state of alarm is lifted on 21 June. The new normal will then apply and the decree on the Official Bulletin establishes, as the government had previously announced, that the wearing of masks will continue to be obligatory in situations where social distancing cannot be ensured. The distance is being reduced from two metres to one and a half metres. There will be fines of up to 100 euros for non-compliance.

The health ministry will be reinforcing its coordinating role and will be able to make decisions in emergency situations but in consultation with regional governments. The regions will need to have contingency plans for care homes for the elderly and people with disabilities.

The decree makes clear that Covid-19 will become an "urgent declaration", for which the regions will have to provide information if emergency public health situations arise, to present data for epidemiological monitoring, and to ensure that there are sufficient numbers of health personnel for the prevention and control of the disease and its early diagnosis.

For public transport, it will be mandatory to respect the established occupancy volumes. Where seats are pre-assigned, operators will have to keep records for a minimum of four weeks in order to guarantee contact-tracing if there is a positive case. The airports authority Aena will make the necessary human, health and support resources available to the Exterior Health Service, so that the service can ensure the health control of passengers entering on international flights.

The Merchant Navy directorate is to be empowered to order the adoption of appropriate health measures for the control of passengers making international trips and so enable Spanish ports to open to international traffic. The National Sports Council will determine preventive measures for the return of the professional football and basketball leagues.

The decree will last until the government announces that the health crisis has ended. The health minister, Salvador Illa, has indicated that this will not be until there is effective therapy or a vaccine.