New normal

No capacity restrictions for terraces under the new normal

Government spokesperson Pilar Costa and vice-president Juan Pedro Yllanes at Friday's press conference.


The Balearic government has started to explain measures that will apply under the new normal. At a press conference on Friday, government spokesperson Pilar Costa said that the wearing of masks will be obligatory for all cultural and sporting events in enclosed spaces and inside all commercial establishments (e.g. shops). Masks should also be worn inside or outside where it is not possible to maintain social distancing.

The national government has already established that masks will continue to be obligatory for public transport and in circumstances where social distancing cannot be ensured. The two-metre distance is being cut to one and a half metres by the national ministry of health.

From the first of July, open-air fiesta events such as music parties and dinners will be permitted so long as the public remains seated. On beaches, the maximum number of a group will be 25, with social distancing of 1.5 metres being maintained.

In cinemas, theatres and similar, seats must be preassigned and capacity cannot exceed 75%. For bars and restaurants, capacity inside will be 75%. On terraces, capacity restrictions will cease to apply, but groups of people cannot exceed 25. Bars and restaurants will have to close no later than 2am.