
All change in Sant Llorenç

Sant Llorenç des Cardassar, Majorca. | Assumpta Bassa


There are big changes are coming to Sant Llorenç, the city is introducing new traffic restrictions to promote sustainability and reduce energy consumption and pollution.

A sustainable plan has been designed to promote non-motorised mobility, particularly in the historic centre, where vehicle access is restricted by the implementation of the Restricted Circulation Area, or ACIRE area.

The new Sustainability Mobility Plan was announced by the Mobilitat Councillor, Antònia Bauzà and throughout July the public can make suggestions for the plan which is expected to be approved in September.

The City Council has been working on the new plan for months, but it was paralysed by the State of Emergency and has only just been reactivated.

In different surveys carried out in Sant Llorenç, 53% of residents said they were willing to use a bike or scooter if mobility conditions are improved.

The surveys also found that 50% of all urban trips by car were less than 5 minutes and 80% were less than 10 minutes.


"With this plan the mobility of the Sant Llorenç nucleus will improve markedly and every resident will be able to enjoy the benefits,” said Councillor Bauzà.

The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan changes will mean that only commercial vehicles and residents will be able to access the centre.

The direction of traffic is being reorganised, the car parks on Carrer del Mar, Carrer Nou, Carrer Ponent and Carrer Nord will be eliminated, Carrer Gabriel Carrió will be reformed and there will be traffic changes on Carrer Mossèn Galmés and Passeig de Brodadores.

The aim is to implement more sustainable forms of travel in urban areas such as walking, cycling and using public transport, to reduce energy consumption and pollution and guarantee the quality of life of residents.

"The objectives of achieving social cohesion and economic development are contemplated by focusing on placing people at the centre of planning, not vehicles,” said Councillor Bauzà.