Bars and restaurants

A third of bars and restaurants have not reopened

Decisions on reopening bars and restaurants take account of whether hotels are also reopening. | Click


The latest weekly survey for "the de-escalation of the bars and restaurants sector in Spain" indicates that 67% of establishments in the Balearics had reopened by last Sunday.

The survey is based on data from Fedishoreca, the federation of businesses which distribute to the hospitality industry. Nationally, 83% of establishments had reopened, this figure having been 79% the week before. There was, therefore, something of a slowdown in the pace of reopening.

The Balearics, with a third of bars and restaurants not having reopened, lag behind all other regions. The Madrid region, with 74%, has the second lowest percentage of reopening. By way of contrast, in Aragon and Asturias the figure is 89%.

In general terms, sales at bars and restaurants which have reopened are said to be eight per cent lower than they were a year ago. However, in one region - Navarre - sales are reported to be down 50%, despite 80% of establishments having reopened.

The survey draws attention to the importance of hotels in places where there would normally be high numbers of foreign tourists. Because so many hotels in the Balearics remain closed, this is influencing the pace of reopening.