
Palma car park company faces fine

Palma town hall will be taking over direct management of the car park next year. | Pere Bota


The company which has the concession for operating the underground car park on the Avenidas by Calle Nuredunna faces being fined by Palma town hall. The company, Parkia, has not presented a technical report about the condition of the car park that is required by the town hall's SMAP parking and projects company.

Parkia maintains that the specifications of the contract do not oblige it to present this documentation. SMAP legal services say otherwise. The chief of administration at SMAP, Pedro Manera, explains that the town hall will take over the management of this car park in September next year and that before this happens, the concessionaire is obliged to present the report.

After the town hall takes over the management, it will be responsible for repairs and maintenance, but there will be the possibility of charging costs to the concessionaire.

The matter is in the hands of the town hall's mobility department. If the company continues to refuse to supply the report, the department will issue a penalty. Manera says that this would be the first time that SMAP has taken such action against a concessionaire. As well as a fine, the contract with the company may be terminated before September next year.

Technical personnel from SMAP have compiled their own report. This indicates that there are no structural problems with the car park but that there are certain deficiencies which need addressing. A principal one has to do with accessibility.

Manera adds that SMAP has the responsibility for supervising all parking concessions and the condition of the car parks. This covers, among other things, maintenance and cleaning contracts and lift certification.