
New traffic capacity system being tested

New traffic capacity system at Cala Deya. | Consell de Mallorca


A new vehicle access and capacity control system is being tested in Cala Deya which provides real-time information about cars in the area.

According to the Minister for Mobility & Infrastructure, Iván Sevillano, Deya Mayor, Lluís Enric Apesteguia, and Valldemossa Mayor, Nadal Torres, the device will improve the quality of life of residents in Majorca and regulate tourist activity through technology.

The project is framed within the Smart Island platform and 100% financed by through European Funds.

The mobile station has an integrated system for collecting information on the passage of vehicles as well as the level of occupancy of traffic on roads that are difficult to exit or have limited parking.

Minister Sevillano says the objective is to avoid a massive influx of vehicles on roads and prevent congestion in protected areas.

In addition to monitoring the situation and providing up to date traffic information, the device compiles historical data for subsequent statistical analysis, which will affect future reorganisation of mobility and help to make it more environmentally friendly.

A second capacity control system will be installed in Puerto Valldemossa in the coming weeks. Three others are scheduled to be in operation by September, which will be used to regulate traffic in the most saturated areas of Majorca during the summer months, then moved to the Serra de Tramuntana in winter.

The Department of Mobility & Infrastructure has tweeted informaton about the new system.

"We are working to preserve protected areas and improve access; ⛔️ We have installed the 1ª mobile vehicle capacity station in Cala Deià; 🚗 A pilot test framed in #SmartIsland that will have more similar equipment in other parts of the island."