
Balearics stressing that UK quarantine "is not necessary"

The government is emphasising the low infection rate in the Balearics. | Josep Bagur Gomila


The Balearic health minister, Patricia Gómez, says that she will be speaking to the British ambassador on Monday and will stress that quarantine for travellers returning to the UK from the Balearics is not necessary.

Gómez stated on Sunday that the fact that travel to the Balearics from the UK is "not prohibited is good news". However, any developments that put travel at risk "imply cancellations, which is bad news" for the region.

The minister drew attention to the epidemiological data, noting that the 37.9 per 100,000 inhabitants in Spain over the past fourteen days is the result of the situation in Aragon, Catalonia and Navarre. The rest of Spain, she said, has "a good epidemiological situation".

Gómez added that the Balearic government is still wanting the national ministry of health to permit the same health controls of passengers from regions of Spain with high rates of coronavirus as those for all passengers from foreign countries.