
Balearics now included in Foreign Office advice against non-essential travel

The Balearic Islands are now included in the advice against all non-essential travel. | Pilar Pellicer


While much has been reported today about the Balearic and Spanish governments seeking to gain an exemption from the UK government's quarantine requirement for travellers returning from Spain, a further blow has now been dealt by the latest travel advice from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.

In what has been and remains a fast-moving situation, The Sun newspaper earlier today quoted "Whitehall sources" who indicated that the UK government was considering possible exemption for both the Balearics and the Canaries.

The following is what has been posted on the Foreign & Commonwealth Office's travel advice page for Spain:

From 27 July, the FCO advise against all non-essential travel to Spain, including the Balearic and Canary Islands, based on the current assessment of COVID-19 risks in the country.

This advice is based on evidence of increases in cases of COVID-19 in several regions, but particularly in Aragon, Navarra and Catalonia (which include the cities of Zaragoza, Pamplona and Barcelona).

The FCO is not advising those already travelling in Spain to leave at this time. Travellers should follow the advice of the local authorities on how best to protect themselves and others, including any measures that they bring in to control the virus.

If you are returning from Spain you will be required to self-isolate on your return to the UK, but the FCO is not advising you to cut short your visit. You should contact your tour operator or airline if you have any questions about your return journey.