
Remembrance Ceremony for Officers killed by ETA

Tribute to Diego Salvá Lezaun and Carlos Sáenz de Tejada. | P. Pellicer


Calvià City Council held a Remembrance Service on Thursday for Guardia Civil Officers, Diego Salvá Lezaun and Carlos Sáenz de Tejada, who were killed by ETA in Palmanova in 2009.

Calvià Mayor, Alfonso Rodríguez Badal gave a speech and flowers were laid in memory of the two Officers who died in Palmanova when an ETA bomb which had been attached to the underside of their Guardia Civil patrol car exploded at 13:50 on July 30, 2009.

After the bombing all access routes to Palmanova were cut off and a 'Cage operation' was launched, shutting down all Ports and Airport in the Balearic Islands .

Sniffer dogs found a second bomb attached to another Guardia Civil patrol car, which was safely detonated by Gedex bombers.

On August 9, the Basque nationalist and separatist organisation ETA claimed responsibility for the attack.

No-one has ever been prosecuted for the bombing.