
Residents start a petition to stop illegal activity

Complaints about noise, prostitution & fighting in Parc WIFI Levante, Palma. | Youtube: Ultima Hora


Residents who live near the Wifi Park in front of the Guardia Civil barracks in Carretera de Manacor in Palma say they are fed up to the back teeth of the noisy late night parties, prostitution and drug dealing that’s happening right on their door step.

They claim the area is littered with rubbish, broken bottles, and the unbearable smell of urine in the morning and that the Guardia Civil are powerless to stop them, because the Local Police are in charge of the area.

"We call the Grupo d’Actuació Preventiva or GAP every night because we are sick of them coming here,” said one indignant neighbour.


The issue started months before the coronavirus pandemic and the situation in the park in the Polígon de Levante, which borders Carretera de Manacor is now reported to be completely out of control.

"We have dozens of videos of boys fighting late at night, screaming and waking up the neighbours. They sit on park benches and drink alcohol for hours and then they get very violent. Neighbours don’t go out into the street at night because it is scary,” said another resident.

On Tuesday residents started a petition which they plan to deliver to Palma City Council to denounce "the hell we are experiencing," saying, "it’s a lawless neighbourhood.”

A Sports Court next to the WIFI park has apparently been taken over by a youth band and people are allegedly being forced to pay to use it, even though it is a public venue.

Rival groups of youths are also allegedly betting on football and basketball games which have ended in pitched battles over money lost through gambling.