
Nightlife Sector hanging by a thread

Nightlife Sector companies suffering. archive photo. | Click


The Nightlife Association has warned officials from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Tourism that “80% of companies in Spain’s nightlife sector will go to bankrupt if the Government does not transfer the aid from the European Fund before November,” and claims that “thousands of jobs are at risk if short-term solutions are not offered.”

Tito Pajares, President of the Madrid Nightlife & Entertainment Business Circle, or CEONM and the Vice president of Spain Nightlife pointed out that the Tourism, Nightlife, Culture and Hospitality Sectors were the worst hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

“Countries such as France and Germany have already approved monthly aid from March to December so all Nightlife companies, Festivals and Shows can meet fixed costs such as rent, electricity and water etc,” he said, “and we must remember that 90% of the rooms operate on a rental basis and cost between 6,000 and 90,000 euros per month.”

The Nightlife sector is key for Tourism and Culture in Spain because it groups together 25,000 companies of different sizes which represent 1.8% of the country's GDP and employ nearly 300,000 people, directly or indirectly. 28,000 of them are freelancers linked to the Performing Arts, such as Musicians, Singers, Dancers and Image and Sound Technicians.

Representatives of the Association have told the Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Tourism that "urgent aid is necessary to preserve and maintain the business fabric of the Sector until it is possible to recover 100% capacity, which is unlikely to happen until there is a vaccine.

“If no solution is found by November we will have to adopt other measures in order to maintain jobs; sometimes the contribution that the Nightlife Sector makes to the Spanish economy, the jobs it creates and its cultural value are not appreciated,” concluded Pajares.