Royal family

King and Queen in Minorca

At the cooperative in Alaior. | Efe


On Thursday, King Felipe and Queen Letizia went to Minorca, where they visited the Naveta des Tudons Talayotic settlement, which is a candidate for becoming a Unesco World Heritage Site. Accompanied by President Armengol and the national minister of the interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, they were greeted by a small pro-monarchy group, who waved Spanish flags and shouted "Long Live the King".

The royal couple also visited the Coinga cooperative in Alaior and met representatives from the cooperative and the Mahon Cheese Designation of Origin regulatory council. They spoke about the degree to which the health crisis has highlighted the importance of the agricultural sector and shared their concerns about the consequences of the crisis on many sectors of the country's economy.

At the cooperative they visited different areas of production and tasted some local products, including a new cheese called Isla del Rey.

This was the first visit that the couple had made to Minorca since 2011.