
Street bleaching demand in Palma

Emaya bleaching Palma streets during the State of Emergency. archive photo. | Jaume Morey


Emaya hasn't disinfected the streets of Palma with bleach since the end of the State of Emergency on June 21, according to the Independent Union of Workers and Employees of the Balearic Islands, or SITEIB.

Fernando Herrera, a member of SITEIB in Emaya's Department of Urban Quality, is demanding that the city streets be disinfected with bleach because of the rebound in Covid-19 cases in Palma.

The President of the Works Council of the Water Section, Tomás Guerrero claims that Emaya bought plenty of hypochlorite during the lockdown and says there’s enough left to clean the streets with bleach again to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

SITEIB points out that re-sanitising the streets won't generate extra work for cleaning teams, but recognises that mechanics will be required to deposit the bleach in the vehicles, but stress that it's a very important investment because it will help to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Emaya bleaching rubbish containers in Palma during the State of Emergency.


Herrara is demanding that rubbish bags and junk that's discarded in the streets be disinfected because they may be infected with Covid-19 and Emaya Operators have to collect them by hand. They are also insisting that containers be disinfected because of the high volume of people who open them with their bare hands.

Herrara has suggested that a vehicle be deployed to disinfect everything before the Emaya Operators arrive.

This protocol was followed during the State of Emergency but the company stopped doing it when the lockdown was lifted.