
Armengol blamed for coronavirus outbreaks' "chaos" in Balearics

Biel Company and Marga Prohens at Friday's press conference. | Jaume Morey


The leader of the Partido Popular in the Balearics, Biel Company, has blamed President Armengol for the "chaotic" situation with coronavirus outbreaks. Regretting the president's "inability" in dealing with this, Company said at a Friday press conference that the president had promised that there would be no "cuts". This was "a lie".

He again drew attention to some health centres not having enough personnel. This is not just because of a cut, but "a macro cut". Company criticised the lack of testing and tracing, suggesting that the government had believed that "there would be no outbreaks". The outbreaks are "alarming" members of his party, and the situation, he believed, will get "more difficult".

Company also highlighted questions regarding safety for the start of the school year next month and urged Armengol to stop reacting and to start managing what she should have been.

Regarding the appointments of the Marga Prohens (of the PP in the Balearics) as the PP's deputy spokesperson in Congress and of Toni Fuster as deputy secretary of communications for the party nationally, Company thanked the PP's president, Pablo Casado, for his trust.

Prohens, accompanying Company at the press conference, said that it was an honour to continue to represent the Balearics in Congress and that she will work to ensure that the party reflects the views of the majority of Spaniards, be they conservative, liberal or social democrat. These are people, she suggested, "who do not see themselves represented by a government that has surrendered to the communism of Podemos".