
'Nit of l'Art in Daytime!

'Nit de l'Art' in Palma. archive photo. | Clara Ferrer


Palma's famous 'Nit de l’Art' will be held during the day this year, according to a statement from the Association.

Every September during the 'Nit de l'Art festival, the work of National and International artists is on show in galleries, shops and private homes in Palma and other parts of the Island.

There's also usually lots of live music, street theatre and plenty of wine flowing, but clearly all of that is impossible this year because of the coronavirus pandemic.

“The event is associated with nighttime leisure and crowds of people, but now more than ever we have to be responsible,” said Frederic Pinya, President of Art Palma Contemporani.

The initiative has the support of the Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics, or IEB, the Consell de Mallorca, Palma City Council and Fundación ARCO.

'Nit de l'Art' is scheduled to run from September 16-19 in Palma and the full program will be published by Art Palma in the next few days.