
Guardia Civil's coordination role for the pandemic

A Guardia Civil helicopter is being used at beaches. | Guardia Civil


The Guardia Civil's role in management of the pandemic in Majorca goes beyond law enforcement. While the force is checking on the likes of parks and making sure that they are closed when they should be and ensuring that there are no drinking parties going on, it is also playing an advisory role. An example of this is that a Guardia helicopter is being used to fly over beaches so that officers can issue reminders to beachgoers - through loud hailers - of requirements. With measures changing as often they seem to be, the advice can be necessary.

The force is in constant contact with mayors in order to coordinate services and actions with local police. There is particular liaison with the health service, the Guardia Civil having created the post of a police health contact for coordination with IB-Salut and the College of Doctors. This is in order to ensure control at health centres and hospitals, if this necessary.

Visits to care homes, which were being carried out during the state of alarm, have been stepped up, while officers are also checking on isolated properties, especially ones where elderly people live. There are periodic visits in order to check that people are ok, as some of them might otherwise not have any other contacts.