
Farming losses of 2.4 million euros because of August storm

Farms across Majorca were affected by the storm. | Govern de les Illes Balears


The regional agriculture ministry estimates that farming losses as a consequence of the storm at the end of August amount to 2.4 million euros. A number of farms across Majorca were affected; the total farming area that was damaged was some 300 hectares.

Technical personnel from the ministry have been collating information regarding the damage, with losses in one particular case up to half a million euros. Indoor and outdoor crops, fruit trees, vineyards, greenhouses, irrigation systems and agricultural buildings were all affected.

On Monday, the Balearic government agreed to request Madrid to declare disaster areas, meaning that aid will be available from the Spanish government. The request also includes farms. These farms are in Ariany, Banyalbufar, Binissalem, Bunyola, Campos, Esporles, Felanitx, Inca, Lloseta, Manacor, Mancor de la Vall, Maria de la Salut, Palma, Petra, Porreres and Sencelles.