Emotional well-being plan for schools

New wellbeing plan for schools. | Carlos Barba/jmv/EFE


A plan to cover the socio-emotional aspects of students, families and teachers of returning to face-to-face educational activities, has been launched by the Ministry of Education, through the General Directorate of Early Childhood, Innovation & the Educational Community, and the Institute for Coexistence & Educational Success, or Convivèxit.

Amanda Fernández, Jaume Font, Aina Amengual and Cati Ensenyat are leading the project which offers four types of resources for psycho-social care: Provision of reception spaces, Tools and resources for improving emotional well-being, Identification strategies and help with the psychosocial impact, and Security and the use of technologies.

It’s about students, families and teachers having their space to reflect and express how they feel emotionally, to face the special circumstances of this course and learn how they can be better. Through these resources communication channels are created and links will be established between all parts of the Educational Community and the involvement and participation of families is especially important.”

“These resources allow us to teach skills for our own emotional care, the care of others, solidarity and empathy, all of which improves academic performance,” said Jaume Font, Director of Convivèxit.

Working on the emotional component of the return to school will demonstrate the parties' ability to deal with the situation, determine whether more professional help is needed and help detect signs of cyberbullying.

Telephone support

The Ministry of Health will also install a special telephone helpline for emotional well-being in education.

“The disparity in cases can be very wide,” said the plan organisers, “but investing time for reflection on emotional issues can prevent major conflicts in the future.”