
Secondhand car prices in the Balearics fall 16%

The average price of a secondhand car was 9,628 euros.


In August, the average price of secondhand cars in the Balearics fell by 16.2% compared with August last year.

The Ancove National Association of Vehicle Dealers reported on Monday that the average price in the Balearics was 9,628 euros, whereas the national average was 10,468.

Compared with July, the fall in price in the Balearics was 1.03%, although Ancove explains that this figure was "distorted" by the resale of cars by rental companies and by the range of the most up-to-date "zero kilometre" vehicles.

Cars older than eight years accounted for 65.6% of secondhand sales in the Balearics. The average price for these was 7,113 euros, which was a rise of 1.87%.