
Lack of preparation for scenario B in schools

Martí March, Education Minister. | Ultima Hora


Education Minister, Martí March acknowledged in Tuesday’s plenary session of Parliament that schools in the Balearic Islands had "worked harder on plans to start the new school term under scenario A than in the current scenario B.”

Minister March explained that in July and August, all of the Management Teams in Balearic schools prepared for a return to school under either scenario, A, B or C, depending on the coronavirus pandemic situation.

More preparations were made for scenario A, but the transition from scenario A to B was not a whim and we have adapted to the current health situation," he insisted.

PP Deputy, Juan Manuel Lafuente criticised starting the new school year under scenario B which he said went against requests from Union Reps and Centre Management teams.

"The instructions have changed daily and there is a lack of planning and a lack of resources,” said Lafuente, which echoes public complaints made in recent weeks.

Minister March stressed that “schools are the safest spaces and even more so if there is coherence between what is done inside and what is done outside."