The Guardia Civil arrested a 29-year-old Briton on Thursday night, following an incident after a flight from Birmingham to Palma had landed.
Officers were called because a passenger had been causing trouble during the flight. The crew denied him alcoholic drinks as he was apparently already drunk. He attempted to open the plane's drinks compartment and at one point snatched a drink away from another passenger.
While officers were being informed what had happened, a fight broke out on the plane. The 29-year-old was attacking another passenger - his travel companion - and bit off part of his right ear. The officers restrained and arrested him. His companion was taken to a clinic for treatment.
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Why was this person allowed on the aircraft in the first place if he WAS drunk the crew of the aircraft should be also held to account for allowing him to be on the aircraft
Great, more riff raff coming here. What a pity they couldn't put him on the next flight back.
Makes you proud to be British!
The incident was at Palma Airport
The wounded individual was actually with his wife not any companion what so ever of the individual that did this.