
Hotel overnight stays in the Balearics fell 80% in August

The number of guests was down by three-quarters in August. | M. Costa


In August, hotels in the Balearics accommodated 463,232 guests, 74.5% fewer than in August 2019. There were 2,146,731 overnight stays, an 80.2% decrease.

The latest figures from the National Statistics Institute's hotel survey indicate that the percentage decline in overnight stays in August was slightly lower than in July, when it was 84%. In June it was 99.2%, in May 99.9% and in April 100%. The fall in March, which was when the state of alarm started, was far less dramatic - only 29%.

In July, there were 1.66 million overnight stays, while the number of guests was 354,129. In both respects, therefore, August was a better month, all things being relative. Of the 2.15 million overnight stays in August, 1.42 million were by foreign visitors. The number of foreign guests was 253,130.

The Balearics, Andalusia and Catalonia registered the best figures for overnight stays in August in real terms, but hotel occupancy in the Balearics was 40.3%, which was below a 44.2% national average.

For the whole of Spain there was a 64.3% decrease in overnight stays to 16.8 million. The number of hotel establishments open in August was 13,008. This compared with 12,068 in July, but was down 23.2% compared with August 2019.

Over the first eight months of the year, overnight stays in Spain's hotels dropped by 69.8% to 72.4 million.