Fairs and fiestas

Dijous Bo is cancelled

Dijous Bo attracts people from across the whole island. | Pilar Pellicer


Inca town hall has announced the cancellation of this year's Dijous Bo fair and the cancellation of the three fairs which are held in the build-up to what is Majorca's largest fair.

After discussions with health authorities and the security forces, the town hall made the announcement on Wednesday. Mayor Virgilio Moreno said that "we have experienced some very difficult months, and so we will not be putting at risk the health of all the people who would attend the fairs". "The basic recommendation is to reduce public events and avoid crowds."

Citing responsibility and security, the town hall stresses that its priority is public health and ensuring that residents are not at increased risk of contagion. The town hall also notes that fairs are currently prohibited by the Balearic health ministry, although this ban does not - as yet - apply to the period when the Inca fairs would be held, which is late October and into November.