
Bellasombra stump removed

Bellasombra in Plaça de la Reina in Palma. archive photo. | Ultima Hora


The last piece of the 16 metre high, bellasombra, or Phytolacca dioica that stood proud in Plaça de la Reina in Palma has been removed.

The tree was at least 100 years old and three years ago it looked perfectly healthy. But when a branch broke off in July 2018, injuring two people and damaging a car, experts discovered rot inside.

Analysis was carried out and up to four pathogenic fungi were found in the bellasombra which is very sensitive to rot.

The Ministry of Environment treated the tree in the hope of saving it, but when another piece broke off in October last year it was clear that the tree was completely rotten and everything except the stump was removed to prevent accidents.