
Madrid facing total lockdown

Pedro Sánchez, Spanish Prime Minister & Isabel Daz Ayuso, President of the Community. | EFE


Friday is a decisive day for the Community of Madrid because the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, has convened an extraordinary Council of Ministers to declare a State of Emergency, if the President of the Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, does not act before then.

Prime Minister Sánchez opted for this measure after the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid, or TSJM refused to ratify preventative measures in certain Municipalities of the region to stop the spread of coronavirus.

The extraordinary Council of Ministers is scheduled to meet at 12:00 on Friday and if Ayuso doesn’t do something before then the Government will decree a 15 day State of Emergency in Madrid, which may be extended.

Isabel Díaz Ayuso has been offered three options:

1. “That the Community of Madrid issue an Order under the provisions of article 3 of Organic Law 3/1986, of April 14, on Special Measures in Public Health Matters.”

2. “That it requests the declaration of the State of Emergency so that it is the Government of Spain together with the Community of Madrid that declares it and ratifies the measures in question.”

3. “That it be the Government of Spain that declares the State of Emergency, without the need for a prior request to be made."

The measures that would be applied in the Community of Madrid are the same as they were during the national lockdown, the only thing that would change is the legal formula to give them validity.