
New survey critical of Government

Son Sant Joan Airport, Palma. | EFE


A survey by the Balearic Institute of Social Studies, or IBES reveals that 49.4 percent of residents don’t agree with the President Armengol’s management of the coronavirus pandemic and 31.9 percent approve of the Government's handling of the crisis.

Antoni Fuster of PP said it showed that residents are opposed to what President Armengol is doing and pointed out that “her Government went on vacation during the de-escalation, which allowed the virus to get out of control."

He also claims that citizens are furious about "the lack of direction" and the failure of the tourist season stating that "propaganda" cannot hide the worrying reality.

Patricia Guasp of the Cs called the survey a "wake-up call" for the Government.

"The Government should have listened to us months ago regarding the proposals we made about going back to school and conducting tests on tourists," she said.

Sergio Rodríguez of Vox said “the Administration is ruining us and, if the virus does not kill us, the economy will,” and stressed that it was a mistake to open the airports without controls for tourists.

Antoni Amengual of PI, pointed out that one of the most significant aspects of the survey is that “people think that Pedro Sánchez has thrown away the Islands, he has left us alone," he said.

PSIB’s Iago Negueruela highlighted the good assessment of President Armengol at a delicate moment saying “people do not question the management of the Government they question a very complicated economic situation."

Alejandro López of Podemos believes that both the Balearic Government and the Central Government come out well considering the complicated health and economic situation.

Josep Ferrà of Més says the survey makes it clear that the left remains intact because there is no transfer of votes to the right and that the data proves that there is no connection between the health crisis and how people vote.