
National Day Holiday

Francina Armengol, President of the Balearic Government. | Pere Bota


The President of the Balearic Government, Francina Armengol will not attend the National Holiday Day celebrations in Madrid on Monday because of the State of Emergency in the capital.

The ceremony is hosted by the Royal Family, but because of the coronavirus pandemic there will be no military parade this year, the first time in decades. It’s also the 'premiere' of the coalition Government of PSOE and Unidas Podemos on a National Day Holiday.

President Armengol isn’t the only regional leader to give the ceremony a miss, the Presidents of Catalonia, Euskadi and Aragon won’t be there either.

With Madrid in a State of Emergency, the Government and the Royal Family have decided to reduce the October 12 celebrations to an austere military act in the Patio de la Armería del Palacio Real, which is where the tribute to coronavirus victims was held in July.