The cheapest place to shop in Spain

The Balearics remain one of the most expensive

Cheaper shopping across Spain. | ANDREW BOYERS


A Spanish family can save an average of 971 euros a year on their shopping bill depending on the supermarket they use, according to a study by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) on the cost of the shopping basket.

The Alcampo de Coia hypermarket in Vigo (Galicia on mainland Spain) repeats as the cheapest establishment in Spain of the supermarkets visited by the OCU, while the chains Dani, Economy Cash, Tifer, Alcampo and Supeco the most affordable.

Two Sánchez Romero stores in Madrid also remain the most expensive in Spain, followed by the Sorli Discau, Plus Fresc, Condis, Suma and Ulabox chains.

According to the OCU, the cities where it is cheaper to buy are Jerez de la Frontera, followed by Teruel, Zamora and Ciudad Real. On the contrary, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is the most expensive city, followed by Palma and Barcelona.

By provinces, Castilla-León, Murcia, Extremadura, Asturias, Galicia and Andalusia are the cheapest regions to make purchases, while Catalonia, the Basque Country, the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands are the most expensive.

The report has analyzed a total of 143,313 product prices after visiting 1,062 establishments spread over 65 Spanish cities in addition to the Internet.

The study highlights that the possibilities of saving vary greatly between cities, depending on where the purchase is made. Thus, the maximum saving is achieved in Madrid and reaches 3,226 euros, thanks to the great diversity of commercial offer that the capital of Spain has.

On the contrary, Cuenca is the city in which it is more difficult to save, since there is only 247 euros between the most expensive and the cheapest establishment