
Restaurants fight for survival in Mallorca

Alfonso Robledo, CAEB President. | Jaume Morey


Delaying the curfew in the Balearic Islands until midnight makes a massive 40% difference to restaurant turnover, according to CAEB President Alfonso Robledo.

"The Government’s decision to implement a curfew at 23.00 hours was a blow to companies and the one hour delay by the Regional Government will have a direct, positive impact on their income, because now we can serve dinners during a wider range of hours,” he said.

"60% of our business is generated by meals and for some places serving dinner is essential for their survival so they won't be forced to close," said Caterers.

PIMEM and CAEB stressed that it was vital to delay the closing times of restaurants by one hour in order to maintain turnover.

The Balearic Association of Night Leisure and Entertainment, or Abone, which represents the interests of nightclubs, dance halls, concert cafés, beach clubs and bars, welcomed the Government’s decision to delay the curfew saying “the flexibility of closing hours will alleviate the chaotic situation that many companies are coping with."